If your student has a medical condition (diabetes, seizures, asthma, severe allergies, etc.) please complete a health care plan along with your health care provider. Health care plans are in the school office or on the D11 website: From the homepage, click on Departments, then Nursing.
All medications require a completed Medication form signed by the health care provider and parent. Forms are in the school office or the D11 website: Nursing Department -> Health Forms -> Pikes Peak Regional Student Medication Form: One form per medication is required.
In addition, the medication must come in the original container with the student’s name on it or the labeled prescription bottle. No medications will be given if it comes in a baggie, plain bottle, etc.
Non-FDA approvedsubstances: For all medications administered to students, nurses are accountable for knowing therapeutic effects, safe dosage, contraindications, and potential side effects. For this reason, nurses (or any D11 staff) will not administer non-FDA approved substances at school, including herbs, supplements, essential oils etc.
It is a lot of legwork to get all these forms and medications prepared for school, but we greatly appreciate having those emergency medications available. If an emergency arises and we do not have medications to treat it, we will call 911 and notify you as soon as possible.
It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that their child is compliant with the Colorado Immunization requirements for school attendance. In order to be compliant, the student must have received all the required immunizations or have a signed exemption. It is very important that an updated immunization record be provided to the school office before your child starts school.
If your child is exempt from immunizations for personal or religious reasons, the parent must sign exemption forms each school year. Personal and religious exemptions expire June 30th of each year and a new exemption must be filed prior to the start of the school year. Medical exemptions require a health care provider signature. Exemption forms are in the school office and online:https://www.colorado.gov/cdphe/vaccine-exemptions
We look forward to partnering with you to meet the health needs of your child so they may enjoy a successful year of optimal learning and enriching experiences.